For sale

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BJD for sale - ebay

Ciało, głowa, ręce, stopy lalki są ręcznie wykonane z porcelany wypiekanej w wysokiej temperaturze.
Oczy nie są drukowane tylko malowane farbami olejnymi. Lalka składa się z 19 ruchomych części ciała. Stawy zabezpieczone są filcem przed wytarciem.

Na wykonanie jednej lalki poświęcam wiele godzin, zwracając szczególną uwagę na detale.
Dzięki ruchomym stawą mają możliwość ładnego pozowania, ustawiania w różnych pozach.
Potrafią same siedzieć odpowiednio ustawione.

Każda lalka jest zapakowana w eleganckim pudełeczku z poduszką, co zapewnia jej bezpieczną podróż do Kupującego, ale też można ją w nim przechowywać lub może stać się idealnym prezentem.

Lalki posiadają certyfikat autentyczności wystawiony przeze mnie, na potwierdzenie, że zostały wykonane ręcznie.
Każda lalka jest sygnowana ( kolejny numer ) z tyłu głowy pod włosami.

I make all the porcelain pieces and kiln fire them at a very high temp.
Her body and face are painted with oil paints.
Her eyes aren’t printed, but created.
Doll have19 points of articulation.

I spend many days to create her.
All details of her body was sculpted with special attention.

She is signed on the back of her head just under the removable wig.
She has authenticity certificate of the Artist.
Doll will be carefull wrapped and boxed + pillow for her journey.

Angel Lorelein

This is a ONE OF A KIND doll made by me, Arivle.
Lorelein is totally my design.
Her body and face are painted with oil paints.


Her eyes aren’t printed, but created.
Angel has 20 points of articulation for expressive and sensual posing and industrial steel springs for constant tension and prescision of movement.
She has a one of a kind tattoo.

I have spend many days to create her.
All details of her body was sculpted with special attention.

She is signed on the back of her head just under the removable wig.
She has authenticity certificate of the Artist.

Doll will be carefull wrapped in tin box with decorative pillow for her journey.

name: Angel Lorelein
sex: female
size/height: 29,0 cm / 11,4 "
body type: double jointed
wig: mohair

Doll is made of porcelain.

Marie Antoinette

This is a ONE OF A KIND doll made by me, Arivle.
Marie Antoinette is totally my design.
Her body and face are painted with oil paints.

I spend many days to create her.
All details of her body was sculpted with special attention.


Her eyes aren’t printed, but created.

Her body has 20 points of articulation for expressive and sensual posing and industrial steel springs for constant tension and prescision of movement.


Marie has silver mask, earrings, pendant and shoes.
Her jewellery is made from Sterling Silver (925), hand made and one of a kind.
The whole is embellished with red and white Swarovski crystals.

She has a magnetic wig made from natural mohair.
Her dress is hand made and decorated with sequins and beads.

She is signed on the back of her head just under the removable wig.
She has authenticity certificate of the Artist.

Doll will be carefull wrapped in specially tin box with decorative pillow for her journey.


name: Marie Antoinette
sex: female
size/height: 29,0 cm / 11,4 "
body type: double jointed

The doll is porcelain.

The chair is not for sale

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